Versão em português e Inglês 1/2

Para começar, VOU ENSINAR vocês a fazer um braço hidráulico passo a passo.


1 ° WOOD: Primarily you will see my youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OME_ml9KwdE >>> It will teach you 50% of the pre-project, however, you will need the main one being the project plan that I have made available below.

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It is made with plywood to remember.

You will carry the image of the parts for a joiner, he'll charge around   R$30,00 reais.

2° SYRINGE: Use up-to four (4) syringes in wooden structure that is related to the other four (4) syringes that will support your hand. Furthermore, it is very easy with the video (50%) and the plants (40%). Now its 10% Lack of time to get firm in question, paying close attention to the video, and will achieve beyond doubt. I GOT AND YOU MAY ALSO.
(NOTE: The syringes are 5ML)

Any questions please email (mrmoisesviolino@gmail.com) or facebook (www.facebook.com/moisesvictorsilvamagalhaes) I always retreat doubts of applicants. Bye to everyone! Forcing the visit.

                                            EXPLANATORY VIDEO

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